February 19, 2015#

Radio Talk: Açık Radyo / Açık Mimarlık, Practice + Woman

On February 12, 2015 at Açık Mimarlık program at Açık Radyo, Evren Uzer, Yağmur Yıldırım, Cenk Dereli, and myself talked about our office practice, Philosopher’s Plant by Michael Marder, Yedikule Gardens, Graft and other. More to follow on these subjects in the coming days. You can listen to the program here. The blog about the program is here.

December 19, 2014#

Seminar: METU, ‘Graft’



Graduate Program in Restoration at METU invited me for a seminar, 23 years after my graduation. It has always been enlightening and inspiring to be in the beautiful spaces designed by Altuğ and Behruz Çinici. Thank you Güliz Bilgin for inviting me and thanks to all my METU friends and professors.

December 18, 2014#

Lecture: Bilgi University, “Taşı mı yonttun? Geri dur bak. Yontmana şaşma, taşa şaş.”


Açık Üniversite at Bilgi University, Department of Architecture, organized by Emrah Altınok. The title of my talk is a verse from a book of poems by Franco Buskas. The spine of the talk was about waiving (feragat, Tr.) and modesty (tevazu, Tr.) and I presented three works.

November 22, 2014#

TV Conversation: IMC, Yedikule Gardens and productive landscapes on ‘Ne Yiyorsak Oyuz’

3Myself and Yıldız Salman were invited to ‘Ne Yiyorsak Oyuz‘, Defne Koryürek’s program on IMC TV, to converse about recent developments and our work at Yedikule Gardens Protection Initiative.

Here is the link to the conversation.

Below you will find, Slow Food, Fikir Sahibi Damaklar‘s description of the content of the talk on the Yedikule Gardens campaign page:

“Üretken bir peyzaj, yenilebilir bir bahçe, başka bir dünya…

27 Kas 2014 — Geçen hafta sonu imc tv’de yayınlanan Ne Yiyorsak Oyuz’un konukları Yedikule Bostanları Girişimi’nden Aslıhan Demirtaş ve Yıldız Salman’dı. Yedikule Bostanları hem civar halkın yaşamının parçası bir yeşil alana dönüşür, hem de bostan vasfını nasıl korur, onu anlattılar. Yani üretken bir peyzajın, yenilebilir bir bahçenin ve dolayısıyla bambaşka bir dünyanın nasıl oluşturulabileceğini.. Lütfen seyredin, sunulan alternatif ilham verici. büyük keyif alacaksınız:


Size bu mektubu yazdığımız saatlerde kampanyamız 10 bin imzaya ulaşamak üzere! demek ki sayenizde 10 bin mektup gitti muhataplarımıza! Yaşasın! Sahiden de ya-şa-sın! Ama daha çok gitsin istiyoruz. Biz çoğalalım, sesimiz çoğalsın… daha iyi, daha adil ve daha temiz bir çözüm yolunda talebimiz duyulsun istiyoruz.

Slow Food, Fikir Sahibi Damaklar”

June 9, 2014#

Honorable Mention: Gallipoli Historic National Park Focus Points Competition


We were awarded with an honorable mention for our entry to the Gallipoli Historic National Park Focus Points Competition.
Our team was one the 10 teams that were selected to continue to Phase II of the competition.
You can find the announcement along with other entrants here.

Team: Aslıhan Demirtaş, Selin Maner, Defne Akşin Akyol, Koray Özgen, Ali Cindoruk, Emrah Altınok
Advisor Team: Sibel Bozdoğan, Çiğdem Maner, Naz Beykan
with Seçkin Maden, Gizem Öneş, Athanasia Vasdeki, Doruk Özçiftçi, Zuhal Koçan, Gözde Şarlak

December 20, 2013#

Honorable Mention: Kemal Kurdaş Memorial Tomb Competition


We won an honorable mention with our entry to Kemal Kurdaş Memorial Tomb Competition. Competition Team: Ali Cindoruk, Aslıhan Demirtaş, Seçkin Maden

Mustafa Kemal Kurdaş (1920 – April 19, 2011) was a Turkish economist who served as Turkish Minister of Finance, the IMF’s adviser to Latin American governments, president of the Middle East Technical University and deputy head of the Turkish Treasury.

He is best remembered for his work to develop Middle East Technical University (Turkish: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, ODTÜ), build a distinctive campus for it and create a forest in what was arid, eroding land. He helped found and expand a number of businesses. At the same time, he initiated archeological excavations, led the effort to salvage historical artifacts and monuments from flooding by the Keban Dam and supported the publication of findings that throw light on the Neolithic revolution. On the side, he wrote articles and books on economic policy.

His interests span archeology, architecture, business, economics, education and forestry. Kurdaş not only pursued these diverse interests but made a contribution in each area.

Find more info on Kurdaş here and the competition site here.


May 29, 2013#

We are a Graham Foundation Grantee 2013 with Modern Essays 5:Graft


Installation photo from Modern Essays 5 : Graft, SALT, 2012. Photo by Serkan Taycan.


The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts has announced its 2013 Grants to Individuals. We are honored to be one of the grantees with Modern Essays 5: Graft. With the support of the Graham Foundation and SALT we will continue our research towards an e-publication. Thank you all who have contributed to this process! Here is our grant page.