

Adaptive Reuse Project of Lumbardhi Cinema, 2018-2019
Commissioned by: Lumbardhi Foundation
“Lumbardhi Public Again” – European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards, 2022

KHORA Office has been instrumental in the successful transformation of Lumbardhi Cinema from an abandoned heritage site into a functional public space and a thriving institution with a vibrant local and international community facilitating an annual program comprising film screenings, exhibitions, conferences, lectures, performances and various activities. Our initial interventions (2017) and the adaptive reuse design (2019) to transform the cinema into a culture space facilitated the EU support and funding Lumbardhi Cinema has received. A brief timeline of the working relationship and achievements can be found below.

2017 Main Cinema Hall and the Foyer Interventions 
Non-structural, non-mechanical interventions were designed and implemented for the Main Cinema Hall and the Foyer in order to render the neglected spaces fit for public access and programming. As a result of these interventions Lumbardhi Foundation has been able to carry a highly acclaimed
public program in the main hall and provide spaces for those who want a quiet space to study in the foyer since 2017. Interventions included simple lighting design and implementation, uncovering and revealing of the existing wood-flooring, repair of the projection screen, general repairs, painting and relocations of some spaces.

2018-2019 Schematic Design of Adaptive (Extended) Reuse Project of Lumbardhi Cinema
Lumbardhi Foundation and Khora Office developed a preliminary functions and requirements program for the future prospect of the cinema as a cultural institution. The program was conceived on the basis of analysis of existing spaces, needs of the future users and management to preserve the most essential features of the cinema complex where the memories of the past are materialized in architectural features, while adapting the complex to the spatial and functional needs of the future use. The Schematic Design drawing sets and renderings were shared in a public presentation during DokuFest 2018 in Prizren with local NGOs and heritage community present. The project was also presented publicly in Kino Armata and Lumbardhi Cinema in February 2019. This process was funded by Swiss Development Fund & the US Embassy.


2019 Heritage Lab: Kino Bahçe

Part of the project “Inter-community Dialogue through Inclusive Cultural Heritage Preservation” UNDP Kosovo, EU IcSP, CHwB Kosovo

2020 Design and construction documents of Lumbardhi Courtyard Adaptive Reuse and Implementation
CHwB Kosovo, UNDP Kosovo, EU

Conservation Consultant: Burçin Altınsay
Team: Aslıhan Demirtaş, Seçkin Maden, Gözde Çelebi, Ayçıl Yılmaz
Corporate identity and online platforms including Lumbardhi.org and Bllogu as well printed materials have been designed by Ali Cindoruk.